1000 Tiny Birds

Black Country New Road (+Ugly)

Marble Factory, 2023-05-13

I was so ready not to go to this gig. I’d seen Black Country New Road twice last year. I had a half marathon first thing the next morning. And two minutes before getting to what I thought was the venue, I realised that it was actually at another venue right across town. I nearly threw in the towel. But I buckled up and boy was I glad for it. I’d already seen the Live At Bush Hall material live twice pre-release, but this was the first time seeing it once I was actually familiar with it, and it’s such a different experience. Knowing the ups and downs of the songs, more able to get into the groove, the dream. Some of the songs have evolved - I Won’t Always Love You now beginning with a beautiful finger picked classical guitar accomaniment from Tyler Hyde - and some, like Turbines/Pigs, stand exactly as they were and are appreciated all the more for it. Three new songs round it out, with Nancy being near-perfect. Ugly is almost the ideal support act for the night - similar vibe without being same-y, and very much got me back on a good mood for the night.